
I probably shouldn’t run today. At least that is what my watch and my legs are telling me. The “Recovery Timer” on my Garmin has been ticking down since I finished my long run on Monday but it still sits as a dismaying 42 hours. I don’t usually listen to the recovery timer and run when I feel like it, but my calves still feel like two bags of hot coals strapped to the back of each leg so it might be best to give myself at least another day.

Being at home will give me a chance to catch up on some writing projects and read a bit more of legendary ultra-runner Scott Jurek’s book Eat and Run. I’ve had the audiobook going on my ipod for the past few days as I go about my daily routine and so far it’s living up to the hype. Jurek makes no attempt to convince the reader to turn vegan (as he is) but he shares his own story and makes a compelling case. I’m already 95% vegetarian, eating meat once a month or once every couple months, but I could probably stand to curb my cheese intake.

The one thing about the audiobook so far is that the narrator, Quincy Dunn-Baker, in his attempts to use emotive inflection adds an occasionally snarky, holier-than-thou element to the passages about veganism. Given the actual text of the book, it doesn’t seem like that was Jurek’s tone in writing, but aside form that Dunn-Baker has done a bang-up job.

I’m hoping to get at least one more run in before the weekend. Preferably at least 10K. Preferably not terrible. I’ll see what my body is saying tomorrow though. I’ve got a hike planned on Saturday with my wife and some friends and I don’t want to have to cancel on account of crippling myself.

I’ll keep you posted.


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